For four days, Johnny Depp took the stand to testify in the case, and answered questions from his lawyer and Heard’s defender. Recordings of some of the couple’s altercations were also played, and the actor delved into details of his relationship with Heard.

Depp also testified that he suffered a cut on his finger from broken glass in 2015, after Heard allegedly threw a vodka bottle at him. The actor said he sought medical attention, but commented in court that he told others at the time that he injured his finger by hitting it on a door.

Heard’s lawyers have referred to statements Depp made to emergency doctors at the time to argue that Depp cut his own finger. The actor denies this. Now, when asked about his actions after suffering the injury, including having used his injured finger to write on walls with a mixture of his blood and paint, Depp confirmed that he had done so.

The actor also said he physically defended himself on a few occasions, mentioning of an incident in which Heard said he injured his nose. Depp testified in court that his head bumped into Heard’s forehead while he was trying to “restrain” her.

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Arriba. Ellie y Carl. La mejor aventura fue estar juntos.

Isabella: ¿Oíste eso? ¡Tía Isabella! Eso significa que me voy a casar con Phineas! Candace: O con Ferb.Ferb se da la vuelta, guiña el ojo, señala y hace un chasquido a Isabella, que se sobresalta, y empieza a preocuparse al darse cuenta de la posibilidad.

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