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This includes, added the Service, “rectifying the lack of truthful and timely information directed to consumers through its communication channels, in relation to the refund process, reimbursement and associated penalties”.

Through a Collective Voluntary Procedure, Sernac intends that the company offers a solution for those who purchased different services and wish to reschedule, without imposing fines. The same for those consumers who choose to request a refund.

“Consumers complain mainly about the company’s refusal to return the money for the tickets and the application of commission charges or fines when requesting refunds and lack of information,” detailed Sernac.

The national director of Sernac, Lucas Del Villar, explained that “what we demanded from the outset is that equivalent alternatives be offered, that they be rescheduled with flexibility and that the money paid be refunded if in the end people cannot travel”.

However, this did not happen with this company despite the fact that “a reasonable amount of time has passed since the beginning of the pandemic and there is no excuse for not responding to consumers for the minimum they are asking for, which is to answer the phone and not pay for a service they did not receive or to be provided with equivalent and adequate alternatives”.

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Los sitios web de Despegar y las aplicaciones móviles líderes, ofrecen productos de más de 300 aerolíneas, más de 520.000 opciones de alojamiento, así como aproximadamente 1.100 agencias de alquiler de coches y unos 240 proveedores de servicios de destino con más de 8.700 actividades en toda América Latina. La Compañía posee y opera dos marcas muy reconocidas, Despegar, su marca global, y Decolar, su marca brasileña. Despegar cotiza en la Bolsa de Nueva York (NYSE: DESP). Para más información, visite

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