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Good supplementary material can be the key to ensure the success of your courses and save you hours of preparation: graded readings that captivate your students, grammar books that make the task of explaining grammar much easier, materials to prepare for the DELE exams… We offer you all this with the quality of Difusión and the most recognized authors.

Preparing your students for the DELE is a complex task. Difusión helps you with the most complete manuals: tips and tricks to pass the tests, hundreds of lexical and grammar activities and numerous exam models for training.

We love to meet you, face to face, in didactic days, teachers’ meetings, congresses, workshops… training activities organized by us or by other institutions where you can listen to our authors and trainers and chat with our consultants.

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This benefit may be purchased for pregnant women up to 32 weeks of gestation. In order to purchase this benefit in addition to a CONTINENTAL plan, a certification from the Beneficiary’s gynecologist/obstetrician must be requested indicating the Beneficiary’s ability to make the trip without any apparent risk. The benefit applies basically to pregnancy-related emergencies that occur during the trip, including emergency check-ups, emergency ultrasounds, medical assistance for illnesses caused by the pregnancy, emergency deliveries due to illness or accident that puts the life of the mother or child at risk, abortions or any other type and any medical assistance derived from the pregnancy situation. This benefit will only be valid for a maximum of 30 days, counted from the beginning of the trip abroad.

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This benefit may be purchased optionally and at an additional charge to a CONTINENTAL voucher/plan. It provides coverage for the following recreational (amateur) sports: Skiing/snowboarding and winter sports practiced within the regulation facilities on controlled access regulation slopes, water skiing, fishing in coastal waters, artistic gymnastics, scuba diving, kayaking level 3 and 4, field field hockey, ice skating, horseback riding, trail cycling, marathons, roller field hockey, canoeing.

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The pandemic has forced us to focus on the things and people that are really important in our lives and we have never valued freedom so much. Now that we can travel again, we will see that in 2022 people will not only go back to spending time with their friends and family, but they will also want to meet new people. In fact, 60% of people surveyed would like to meet new people when they are traveling.

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When the pandemic hit, homes around the world became offices, and we discovered what it’s like to work remotely. However, by 2022 we will see a significant increase in people wanting to clearly re-establish a healthy work-life balance, with 73% agreeing that their vacations will be completely work-free in the future. Thinking of traveling to disconnect from work? Choose your type of travel below, and copy and paste one of the “Office (home) closed for vacation” templates to let your work know you’re taking a break.

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For practical counseling, there is no better thing to do than to go to a social worker who works in your community, and who is well acquainted with this. Find one through your cancer doctor or nurse.

In addition, a cancer treatment plan can also cause family members to lose time from work, in some cases affecting some or all of their income (see our content on working during treatment).

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Sometimes cancer treatment is available away from home. Many treatment centers have short-term lodging facilities or discount programs through agreements with nearby motels and hotels. The clinical social worker or oncology nurse may be aware of low-cost housing during treatment at the hospital or clinic.

The American Cancer Society’s Albergue De La Esperanza® program can offer families free lodging in cases where the treatment center is far from home. Contact us to find out if there is a Albergue De La Esperanza near your treatment center.

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