Coronavirus: when the world stops, the planet breathes.

To develop and operate renewable energy assets, as well as to be energy suppliers, offering our clients value-added products and services in strict compliance with the best social and environmental practices.

To be an agent of change within the renewable energy sector through the implementation of solutions that promote technological innovation and the social, ecological and economic sustainability of our stakeholders.

Vive Energía provides Market Intelligence to its clients through specialized reports and digital tools for the development and implementation of a comprehensive energy procurement and management strategy, in order to obtain benefits in the Mexican Electricity Market.

We carry out the electricity supply according to the needs of each client through Vive Energía Suministro. We implement strategies for saving and accrediting clean energy through contracts in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM).


But Tafur lived, carried out his journey and the elaboration of his work, in the 15th century. Juan II of Castile is proclaimed king in 1406, when Enrique III of Castile dies and ends his reign with his death in 1454, but he does not come of age until 1419 and it is in 1426 when he begins his reign. With the death of the monarch, Tafur begins the elaboration of his book of travels, in the second half of the XV century. In 1454 begins the reign of Henry IV in Castile and in 1479 Ferdinand II of Aragon ascends to the throne and ends the dynastic union between Castile and Aragon.

  Viaje al centro de la tierra cuantas paginas tiene

Another of the characteristics of this travel book is the comparison that he establishes between the cities that he visits and the cities of Castile, especially with the city of Seville, a fact that favors the version that he spent his youth in this place. In addition, Tafur’s journey has as its nerve center, Italy, more specifically, Venice, since he always returns to this city after his wanderings and pays visits to the pope.[8] Tafur was a man who was a man who was always in love with the city of Seville.

Tafur was a man who was governed by a model of religious values and honor to the battle, characteristic features of a Castilian nobleman.    He was in favor of the armed struggle against Islam, but at the same time he was a charitable, curious and practical man. In addition, we can perceive his enlightened spirit and that he was a learned man because of his taste and admiration for humanistic training, which is reflected in his work by the admiration with which he speaks of the Greek and Roman classics and towards the East and by the criterion of systematization present in his work.[4] This systematic order is studied by Ángel Luis Molina Molina,[9] and Pedro Tafur describes the following criteria in all the places he visits:

  En el tren que yo viajaba

En el mundo real – Sesión en vivo de Alex Serra y Totidub

Enero es el mes de la Marinera en Trujillo. Durante una semana, este baile es el verdadero protagonista de la ciudad por la celebración del Concurso Nacional de Marinera que tiene lugar cada año y que reúne a los mejores bailarines de Marinera.

Existen varias versiones sobre el origen de la Marinera, pero las más extendidas hablan de la mezcla hispana, africana e indígena. Según esta corriente, con la llegada de los conquistadores españoles y los esclavos africanos, también llegaron a la tierra de los incas varios tipos de bailes, como el fandango y el minué, típicos de Europa, y la zamacueca, de África.

Estos bailes de Europa y África se mezclaron con las danzas de los antiguos peruanos dando como resultado, muchos años después, lo que hoy conocemos como Marinera, que tiene diferentes versiones a lo largo de nuestro país.

Lo que empezó como un concurso de baile se ha convertido en un evento que reúne a los mejores representantes de cada país y en el que se realizan otras actividades como la coronación de la Reina del concurso, el concurso de Caballos Peruanos, la Maratón de Marinera de Corazón o el Gran Corso.

Elevation Worship – My Testimony

Timanfaya National ParkThese are very recent. Not only on a human scale -less than two centuries ago-, but above all on a geological scale: erosion has not had enough time to alter the volcanic landscape of Lanzarote, it shows the initial stages of its evolution, it remains almost intact. Therefore, its ecological value is immense. To preserve it, the Timanfaya National Park was declared in 1974, within the municipalities of Yaiza and Tinajo. It protects 51.07 km2 of territory.

  Organizador de viajes en autocaravana

In some places, the outer part of the lava flows cooled and solidified, while the lava continued flowing through the interior until it was emptied; this is how the caves and volcanic tubes were formed. Also striking are the hornitos, secondary eruptive mouths that expelled gases and lava without forming a large building; in the park, the most popular is the Manto de La Virgen.

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