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Take advantage of the 10% discount on the more than 7,000 cruises available on our website. You just need to apply the code “BLACKFRIDAY” whether you book online or by phone. Offer valid until November 27th, 2022. Don’t miss out! Discount applicable on the amount of the cruise, does not apply to taxes, service fee, excursions or any other additional service. Black FridayTake advantage of the 10% discount on more than 7,000 cruises available on our website. You only need to apply the code “BLACKFRIDAY” whether you book online or by phone. BLACKFRIDAY Offer valid until November 27th, 2022. Don’t miss it! Discount applicable on the amount of the cruise, does not apply to taxes, service fee, excursions or any other additional services.

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Últimamente, Disneylandia se ha centrado más en crecer en sus esfuerzos por convertirse en un parque más sostenible. En los últimos 10 años, Disneylandia ha ahorrado más de 60 millones de dólares sólo con la reevaluación de algunas de sus atracciones y centrándose en implementar mejores formas de conservar los recursos.

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Disneyland Mainstreet Train Los tranvías de Disneylandia funcionan ahora con biodiésel al 100% y estos trenes recorren los diferentes aparcamientos de disneylandia.

Una de las atracciones más populares de disneylandia fue la atracción Submarine, que se reabrió en 2012. La nueva atracción ofrece ahora arrecifes de coral que están hechos de vidrio reciclado que se rocía con epoxi orgánico para darle color. Los submarinos siguen siendo los originales, pero ahora se mueven mediante bobinas magnéticas.

Las famosas golosinas de Disneylandia se elaboran en panaderías ecológicas que cuentan con iluminación natural y utilizan equipos Energy Star para hornear todos sus productos. Las panaderías también reciclan todos los productos caducados, así como la masa, la harina y los granos sobrantes que pueden utilizarse para el ganado del lugar, y gracias a estos esfuerzos hay menos residuos que acaban en el vertedero.

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Ávoris is much more than a business project. It was born with the same motives that always drive great travelers: to go beyond, to discover new places, to cross borders, to connect with new visions of the world, to travel other paths.

For them, we pursue together every day a horizon: to reinvent travel. To evolve along with the new ways of traveling. To reinvent ourselves with each traveler, so that their experiences are the way they want them to be.

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This is the true spirit of the Ávoris project, the meaning of our unstoppable development and the driving force behind the constant growth that is taking us beyond our borders. Our commitment to permanent innovation has turned us into a global tour operator with a presence throughout the entire travel cycle. We symbolize a new relationship culture, cultivated through all channels and enhanced by our ambition to give more every day: new destinations, better stores, more service, more options, more quality.

We are looking for passionate professionals to reinvent the travel industry. At Ávoris, innovation is the essence of our DNA, and we are currently one of the leading companies in the tourism sector, with a project for the future for all those travelers who demand more.


The second season of Phineas and Ferb began on Disney XD on February 19, 2009, and on Disney Channel on March 27, 2009. A preview of the season was on January 23, 2009 on Toon Disney, with the episode Tip of the day. The season features the two step-siblings on summer vacation trying to make each day the best day, while their sister tries to catch them. The ten main characters are: brothers Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher, secret agent Perry the Platypus, their older sister Candace Flynn, evil Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, lovable neighbor Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, Linda Flynn (the boys’ mom), Perry’s boss, Major Monogram, Buford Van Stomm and Baljeet.

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Phineas and Ferb try to find the Nose Lake monster. Dr. Doofenshmirtz plans to drain the Zinc from Nose Lake, since most things made from Zinc are not evil (Execto Doofenshmirtz’s Inators and dirty laundry). When Nari weakens from lack of Zinc, Phineas and Ferb try to save him and keep his secret safe from the world from finding and removing him from his environment.

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