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In one of the cross-examinations, Evole shows his incredulity and recalls that Dorado had been linked to smuggling or drug trafficking in 66 news of La Voz de Galicia, in 18 of El País, 20 of Abc and 19 of La Vanguardia. Feijóo responds: “Yes, but if I knew this, what would I gain? The truth sometimes may not be understood in all its breadth but that is the truth. And if you say to me ‘you are naïve’, to these effects, do not have the slightest doubt. That I have learned, too. That now, unfortunately, when I am invited, I ask ‘who is this guy’ and sometimes I don’t go”.

Along with Dorado and Feijóo -and their partners at the time- sailed in those yachts a key character in this story. Manuel Cruz, with a dark past linked to the ultra-right in Ferrol, was at that time Romay Beccaría’s chauffeur in the Xunta and at the same time Dorado’s front man (yes, both things were compatible then: the nineties were an era of magic realism in Galicia).

It was precisely Cruz who introduced the politician and the smuggler at an event with businessmen in the Salnés region, in the Rías Baixas, one of the most touristic areas of Galicia and where the drug lords who had previously been involved in smuggling were historically concentrated.

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