
Este municipio del interior de la provincia de Pontevedra de unos veinte mil habitantes, es el mayor municipio de toda Pontevedra, y el cuarto de Galicia. Situado en una comarca de gran riqueza arqueológica, cuenta con la mayor concentración de castros de toda Galicia.

Considerada como el kilómetro cero de la comunidad autónoma, al estar situada en el centro geográfico de Galicia, la localidad de Lalín es un enclave estratégico e histórico en la comunidad, por lo que destaca su enorme oferta gastronómica, festiva y de ocio. Además, se encuentra en el Camino Sanabrés.

Pero Lalín no sólo tiene fiesta, música y ocio, sino que su entorno natural bañado por la Serra do Candán, y su oferta arquitectónica y cultural, hacen de Lalín una de las ciudades más importantes del Camino de Santiago.

Con casi 30 años a sus espaldas, es el museo por excelencia de la localidad, y se dice que este lugar fue concebido como un intento de construir un observatorio astronómico. En la actualidad, hay exposiciones culturales dedicadas a la astronomía, así como diferentes muestras de arte. Además, este museo cuenta con una sala de exposiciones permanente que acoge a artistas de todo el mundo.

J. Méndez – Pitelos in Artbys

The healthcare director of the Pontevedra and O Salnés health area, Sonia Fernández-Arruti, together with the director of Hospital Care, Yolanda Sanduende, and the section chief of the CHOP Pneumology service, Adolfo Baloira, welcomed in Montecelo the team of twelve students who will rotate in pairs for four weeks in different services.

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Specifically, the American students, who will have a hospital support program, will perform their practices in the services of General and Digestive Surgery, Urology, Pneumology, Vascular Surgery, Gynecology, Digestive, Anesthesiology, Otolaryngology and Internal Medicine, thus gaining access to various specialties. which until now were unknown.

The main objective of the program is for the students to learn first-hand about the work carried out by the professionals of the Pontevedra Hospital Complex and to deepen their medical vocation.

Galicia 2013: O sendeiro do rio Deza, Mosteiro de

One of the most special and beautiful places in Pontevedra are the ruins of San Domingos or Santo Domingo, with the remains of the five apses of the old church of the Dominicans that is now part of the Provincial Museum of Pontevedra, and that treasure wonderful medieval tombs, coats of arms and sarcophagi. Sitting on one of the terraces of the street watching the ruins and the Alameda in front of us is always a perfect plan.

This is a point where we can get to know the Palacete de los Mendoza and get information and compile all the tourist brochures we want from the area. This 19th century manor house, designed by the architect Rodríguez Sesmeros, is the headquarters of Turismo Rías Baixas. In the eighties of the twentieth century, it served as a location for some scenes of the television series Los gozos y las sombras, based on the novel by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester.

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This is probably, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful churches in Galicia. The Royal Basilica of Santa Maria A Maior, whose construction began in the fourteenth century thanks to the guild of the sailors, was declared a Historic Artistic Monument in 1931 and is famous for its facade, from the sixteenth century, which resembles a large stone altarpiece, and in which you can discover St. Jerome with glasses. Inside, you can contemplate some incredible ribbed vaults and climbing its bell tower is an experience not to be missed if you want to see well the gargoyles of its roofs and contemplate one of the most special panoramic views of the city.

Viajes deza en pontevedra 2022

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