The 70 most common and useful phrases in English

And the fact is that the TV presenter, who gained popularity on Televisa’s ‘Hoy’, captivated thousands of followers with a post in which she posed in front of the camera with her back slightly turned in an animal print bikini, shamelessly showing the part of her body that has positioned her as one of the favorite celebrities, that is, her shapely rear.

As it happens in every publication she makes, the actress also managed to captivate thousands of followers who not only qualified the postcard with a heart-shaped reaction, but also took the opportunity to send her a compliment in the comments section.

Spanish Listening Activity: Traveling on the Road

The Fisher family, consisting of Clare, her husband Ian and their two children, travel by touring the most iconic places in various countries and sharing them on Instagram. Although they recently settled in the UK, they plan to continue traveling frequently with their children.

Karen travels with her husband and son Ellis throughout the United States by motorhome and around the world by plane, sharing on her Instagram account tips to families on how to save and make the most of their travels.

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Karen and her husband Shawn, lifelong backpackers, decided to start their world adventure in an untraditional way: during maternity leave after the birth of their first baby. They now have two children and continue to travel occasionally, looking to inspire other families to travel more with the experiences posted on their website and Instagram account.

While not exactly a traveling family, Eric is a photographer who frequently takes one (or all) of his children on trips around the world, gifting us with beautiful postcards of the places they visit on his Instagram.

12 italian phrases for beginners

While a picture can speak a thousand words, phrases for photos can enhance an image by telling a story, providing context, or adding an air of mystery. Similarly, Instagram phrases can help round out your Instagram post. You can choose these Instagram copy and paste phrases to direct customers to your bio link, share selfie quotes, or increase social media engagement .

In this article, you’ll learn what an Instagram caption is, why you should use one, and tips for writing the best phrases for photos. You’ll even find a list of cool Instagram phrases you can use for your photos. Feel free to copy and paste the phrases for instagram that you like, and then check your Instagram analytics to see the difference in the performance of your posts.

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An Instagram phrase is a written description or explanation about the Instagram photo to provide more context. Instagram captions can include emojis, hashtags, and tags. Here’s an example of an Instagram caption:

Frases de viaje/viajar es vivir/visita mexico

Este episodio fue escrito por Lívia Pond.11:12Julio 20, 2022Comidas tradicionales de Estados Unidos – Culture Talks #16¿Preparado, preparado para el Culture Talks de hoy? En este episodio, el profesor Scott habla de las comidas típicas de Estados Unidos. Es hora de aprender sobre la cultura norteamericana y ampliar tu vocabulario. ¿Estás preparado? 14:0418 de julio de 2022Invierno – Vocabulario Infinito #11LISTA DE ESPERA

MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.13:08Julio 13, 2022La obsesión de Brasil por la cirugía plástica, los escaladores encontrados tras la avalancha italiana y el final de Stranger Things – Fluency News #90LISTA DE ESPERA

Bienvenidos a otro episodio de Como un nativo. La profesora Becs va a hablar sobre un intento de dejar su lengua más natural y más clara. Es algo que te ayudará a entender mejor y a comunicarte como un nativo. ¡Vamos!

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¡Qué pasa, todos! ¡Bienvenidos a otro episodio de nuestra serie de podcasts, Fluency News! Aquí tendrás la oportunidad de entrenar tu capacidad de escucha y estar al día de lo que ocurre en el mundo. Te presentamos algunas de las historias más importantes de la semana en inglés, y añadimos fragmentos de explicaciones en portugués de lo que creemos que requiere más atención.

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